Greetings from Principal !!!
At first I thank you for choosing Government Engineering College, Nawada for pursuing your Engineering dream.
On behalf of the faculty and staff of the college, I welcome you in the college. Dear students, in this era of cut throat competition, it is of very important to have appropriate knowledge, habits, attitudes and values leading to personality development. We have Co-curricular and extra-curricular activities executed by various clubs for your development. We try to inculcate social and moral values among students. I believe that you would develop versatile personality during your stay in the college.
There are many duties as a student you should execute. The first and the most important duty of a student is to study. I would like to offer you some tips for being a successful student
Be punctual and regular in attending classes.
Be attentive in the class and prepare your own notes while teachers teach.
Every day go through your class notes before you go to bed.
Make conscious efforts of improving communication skills.
Always approach your teachers if you have not understood anything.
I wish you enjoyable and fruitful learning years ahead in GCE Nawada.
With Regards,
Dr. Vinay Kumar Chaudhary
Email: [email protected]